Cloudhair pg. 1

Panel 1: Mori stands behind Biff, shouting, Do the thing!  Do the thing! Sneak watches with puppy eyes.  Biff looks a little perplexed, as does Rogan who's just wandered in.

Panel 2: With a sigh of resignation, Biff grips his poinytail holder in his teeth and messes with his hair, while Mori pumps her firsts, chanting, DO IT DO IT DO IT. Sneak's eyes go big and shiny, with the caption puppy eyes intensify. Rogan just watches with curiosity.

Panel 3: Biff has achieved the style known as manbun, though he really doesn't seem to get the deal and is rolling his eyes with the most lackluster 'ta-da!' shrug every perceived by man or god.  Sneak starts dancing, going, EEEE! while Mori throws her fists to the sky and declares, yes I knew we could get him to do it I am the best. Rogan also seems to appreciate it, in a very different way.