
Are you a health provider, library, or retailer? You get a special rate on paper books! Drop us a line at loonybrain at healthymultiplicity.com to make an order.

Paper Books: $1-$20. Ranges from tiny one-pagers to trade paperbacks. If you want the one-pagers, paper works way better for the format.

Ebooks: $0-$50. Includes all the paper books for sale, plus bundles and out-of-print stuff. All come with textual transcripts and cost roughly 50% the paper versions, making this ideal if you're blind, have trouble with small text, live outside the USA, or want your book RIGHT NOW.

Sensitivity Reading with LB: $10 and up.

Art Commissions: $50 and up.

Writing Commissions and Requests: $100 and up.

Patreon: A monthly subscription for (almost) everything--art, comics, writing. For the completionists among you! (No lie, this is also the core of what keeps us going... although we're trying to build away, due to Patreon cracking down on erotic and fetish content.)

LiberaPay: For those altruists who want to give us monthly donations even without extra perks. You guys are what allow us to make so much for the common good!